Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Menjawab TAG J-LA..

huhuhu...pagi2 hari smlm dah kene TAg ngan J-la,...

igtkan nak jawab smlm oleh kerana kebizian melampau..terpaksa aku tangguhkan sampai ari ni..sorry J-la...... hehee ada ke patut J-la Tag aku sebab nak suh aku update blog....huhuhu maklumla blog makcik nih mmg berkurun nye tak ngapdet..ntah nape dah ilang mod nak update ..tambah lg kebizian keje,..hehehe menjadikan aku bertambah ilang nafsu utk update ...sian blog ku ini..
tp disebabkan dah kene Tag oleh kawan cyber ku ini....maka akak pun terpaksa gak menjawab TaG ini...hehee..

1. do you think you are hot?
hehehe hot kee..maybe hot temper kot kadang2..
kalau lainnye..mgkn hubby aku leh nilai kan aku utk kes ni...
hehehe...kalau dgr hot Fm tuh suker laa..hehehe
---adakah aku menjawab soalan :P??....

2. why do you like that picture?
sbb aku nampak manja n sweet kat hubby...loving couple gitu...
(perasanke aku??) ehehhee

3. whe was the last time u eat pizza?

bila yerk..hmm.. rasanya lama dah ...dlm 4 bulan yg lepas ..we all mmg jarang makan pizza..selalu makan mcD jek..ikut permintaan my princess la..

4. the last song u listened to...

ANDAI KU TAHU - UNGU -mcm sama ngan J_la jek ekh..

this the one of feberet song from my arwah dad...mmg dah siap CDkan this song n ari2 pasang dlm, when me drive..mesti dgr lagu ni..

sgt sedey n rindukan dad...may ALlah Bless him...

5. what are u doing right now?

tgh ngapdet blog ler..hehehe

sblm tu, tgh baca topik kat cari....sesambil ngadap keje kat opis ni ha...nasib baik ari ni tak sebizi semalam..langsung tak sempat buat apa2..

6.what name u prefer beside yours?

off course the first ...AINA---ZAR .... me & hubby

the second one my Princess ...PUTERI..

7. people to TAG..

huhu sapa la aku nak taG ni...

mgkn aku nak kene tag org yg rajen update blog kot..supaya tak rasa malazz cam aku ni..hehehe

1. AZIMAh...(melati )

8. who is number one..

she's my cyber friend too..rajen gak tgk die update woman tu..hehehe ...n she's the nice fren..

9. who is the number 3?


10. who is the number 2?


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